Announcing Italian Artist – Eva Rorandelli

August 5th, 2009
Logos_Gallery I am thrilled to introduce to you our newest addition to the Mondo collection - Eva Rorandelli. Eva is a beautifully talented painter from Florence, Italy, who works in oil and mixed media. I was introduced to Eva's work by an friend of mine, an interior designer in Florence, who was also my interior design instructor at the Florence University of the Arts during my stay in Italy.  Eva also now teaches at FUA.  When I saw Eva's work, I immediately thought of Florence...with the focus on graceful figure and fashion. I also love her fusion of abstract and representational elements. Eva says this about her work: "My paintings explore the relationship between imagination and reality and critique the emphasis in today's society of appearance over essence. My use of fashion as inspiration is merely an act of remaking and revising previously successful object/symbols celebrated by society—it is a way to emphasize the transformation and metamorphosis of the era we live in." Eva has exhibited works around the world including Milan, Florence, Paris, New York, Rome, Beijing, San Francisco, and New Mexico. Eva has her Masters Degree in Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence Italy. Additional studies include advanced study in painting at the New York  Academy of Arts, Woodstock School of Art, Vermont Studio Center, New York Studio School, Art Students League of New York, and the Art Institute of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Watch for her works to be added soon!!