Gallery without Walls: Mondo Fine Art

July 9th, 2009
-Mondo Fine art– to connect people with art all over the world. is an online art gallery started by Salt Lake City local, Mikell Stringham.  After working as a director of an art gallery in Park City, Stringham recently felt the need to extend beyond the four walls of a gallery.  Becoming more actively involved with the local art community, as well as promoting artists in different markets around the world is her main focus. Stringham first got her start in the art and design industry years ago in Florence, Italy where she studied painting, photography, interior design, and gallery management.  It was because of this experience in Italy, and her desire to connect with the people around the globe, that she named the online gallery “Mondo” (Italian for “world”). During her travels and time home in Utah, Stringham has come across talented artists that she is passionate about and is excited to share them with a global community. will offer a mix of contemporary original artwork by local, national, and international artists.  The site will frequently be updating with new artists and their very latest works. Mondo Fine Art’s online gallery allows the artist to still show with their current brick-and-mortar galleries and maintain a strong market presence, while also having a new distribution channel online to market their work and extend their reach to people around the world. The gallery will represent new, emerging artists as well as established artists. To stay connected in today’s marketplace, you need to take advantage of technology and the art world is catching up.  You’ll be able to connect with Mondo Fine Art through email, blogging, Facebook, and Twitter. Stringham’s goal is to create an online community of art enthusiasts who can discuss art topics and works, and get together on occasion to support and celebrate their passion for art. “Life is about relationships and connecting.  I hope to share my passion of art by connecting people with talented artists, beautiful artwork, new cultures, and community.” – Mikell Stringham --------------------------------------------------------- offers an online gallery of represented artist’s newest works as well as consulting and design. Artists are currently being considered for representation. If you are an artist and would like to submit your work, please email digital images and bio to