Hello friends and art enthusiasts,
Welcome to Mondo Fine Art, where our mission is to connect people with art all over the world. Lofty goal? Nah... just give us time.
Our initial offering of artists are from Utah, the place I proudly call home. Over the past few years I have had the opportunity to meet some ridiculously talented artists here and am very proud to represent a handful of them. We will be adding more artists from Utah as well as national and international artists over the next few weeks and throughout the year.
We will continue bringing you fabulous new artists from around the world, so check back in with us regularly - OR you can join our online community and be contacted first before the work goes up on our website. Just go to the Contact page of our website and fill out the form. You'll be the first to know when your favorite artist releases a new piece, when we add a new artist, and you'll get invites to our private events going on all year round. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates and discussion.
Now, I would like to introduce you to our starting line up. 4 fantastic artists from Utah, a state being recognized for it's talented painters and sculptors.
Zachary Proctor
Of all the artists I represent, I've known Zachary the longest. I first came across his work several years ago when he had just returned from a stint in Africa. He had a show downtown Salt Lake City that was showcasing his work from the trip. I was immediately impressed with his work. Zachary is a very talented portrait artist, who has a gift for capturing the personality of his subjects and transferring it to canvas. He skillfully portrays their smile, their light, their emotion... whether they be a friend, family member, or a stranger on the street. He also conveys a depth in his pieces and creates them with layers of meaning. Besides his own portrait and conceptual work, he is currently accepting commissioned portrait projects (please contact us for more info).
Zachary is also working on an exciting series he calls "100 Faces", where he will paint 100 face "sketches" of people in the community that want to be part of the artistic process. You can see a few of these sketches on our website on his artwork page. More information on this is to come...
Lane Bennion
I met Lane a few years ago at a gallery in Salt Lake City. I attended a group show where he had several pieces of his Carnival series on display and was drawn right in to the work. Lane is a master of light, shapes, and color. Because of this skill set, he can choose to paint subject matter that most people would never think of. A great example of this is his latest series where his subject is... department stores. How often do we walk through a department store and not pay much attention to the details around us? We are most likely focused on what we will purchase. Lane doesn't see a store... he sees color, form, and light bouncing off surfaces. He composes these elements together with deliberate linear brushstrokes into a work that let's you see the world in a different way - in the way he sees it. Whatever subject Lane chooses to paint, you can plan on it catching your attention.
I discovered Carlisle's work recently at a group show in Salt Lake City. Her abstract paintings reflect the vibrance of her personality, which is fitting because she paints what she feels. Carlisle's work is all about emotion. The colors, the composition, the form and formlessness all create a sense of mood and emotion that people can relate to in their own personal way. That is the beauty of abstract work - it creates an emotional response for the viewer and leaves it up to them to interpret it's meaning. I love how she stratigically places color, like a message to be decoded. I feel the spectrum of emotion when I view her work, anywhere from bright and full of energy to calm, still, and contemplative.
Again, if you would like to receive more information or updates on any of these artists, please fill out the form on the contact page, and/or give us a call directly.
I look forward to bringing you more artists and artwork to enjoy... check back with us soon!